Our Commitment to Quality
"At Good Display, our dedication lies in delivering top-tier ePaper displays and design services to our valued customers. We strive to exceed expectations by ensuring timely delivery that fulfills all specifications, fosters growth, and enhances overall customer satisfaction.
To achieve this, we continually refine and elevate our quality processes, going above and beyond industry standards to cater to the unique needs of each customer."
Certified Excellence
We pride ourselves on being an industry leader in ePaper display manufacturing. Our mission is to deliver the most dependable and cutting-edge ePaper display with love and professionalism. Pursuing excellence is at the core of our values, as evidenced by our strict adherence to multiple certification guidelines. These certifications demand unwavering focus on our quality management systems, enabling us to consistently enhance both product quality and your experience collaborating with us. |
Our Inspection ProcessAll our ePaper displays are inspected closely in the following measures to ensure accuracy and quality.
> Visual inspection > Functionality testing > Environmental & reliability testing > Part number & quantity verification > Datasheet validation > 100% inspection where required > MIL STD 1916, ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 sampling |
Our Testing ProcessWe apply these testing procedures to our ePaper displays before shipment to guarantee optimal performance and reliability. Some displays may undergo additional quality testing procedures beyond those listed below.
> High temperature storage |
> High temperature / humidty operation |
> Low temperature storage Our displays are subjected at low temperatures in the temperature chamber while powered off. |
> Thermal shock resistance We evaluate the performance of our displays under extreme temperature changes. |
> High temperature operation Our displays undergo testing at high temperatures in the temperature chamber while powered on. |
> Vibration test Our displays undergo thorough durability testing, including assessments during rapid mechanical motion. |
> Low temperature operation Our displays undergo testing at low temperatures in the temperature chamber while powered on. |
> Static electricity test Our displays are evaluated for performance following exposure to a substantial electric charge. |
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Expect Quality
Every ePaper display undergoes rigorous inbound and outbound quality inspections for acceptance and release respectively. This guide elucidates the requirements that Good Display products must fulfill during these crucial inspections.
From designing end-customer products to providing specialized guidance for various applications, we are committed to ensuring that you experience our products to their fullest potential. Therefore, we have developed comprehensive guidelines outlining proper usage and care procedures.
Quality and Repairs
If our product fails to meet your expectations, please inform us, and we will collaborate with you to ensure satisfaction.
Please visit our returns page for RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) information.